May 18, 2009
Today we interviewed Stephen Fishbach. He was runner up for
Survivor Tocantins. He was described early on as "the nerdy, shy
guy who helps everyone". He parlayed that unassuming image into one
of the greatest, powerhouse buddy alliances in Survivor history
proving without a doubt that you can't always go on first
Listen to this interview to find out how he felt after receiving no
jury votes, why he came dangerously close to be being medically
evacuated, his strategy for immunity challenges as well as the
Hidden Immunity Idol and much more!
If you are not a subscriber to the Survivor Fans Podcast, you
can click the Listen Now button on the webpage and the interview
will download and play on your computer.
If you enjoyed this interview, check out our others here:
Links for Today's Show
Stephen at CBS
Tocantins News at Survivor Fever
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