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Survivor Fans Podcast

Jo Ann and Stacy follow the hit reality show Survivor. Created in 2005, the Survivor Fans Podcast is the oldest running podcast dedicated to Survivor, currently covering Season 47, their 38th season of CBS' hit reality show. Jo Ann and Stacy are your hosts covering episode recaps, fan reactions and predictions.

Mar 30, 2010


It is time for another edition of point, counter point as a slew of Survivor Super Fans weigh in on the latest variation of the Boston Rob vs. Russell showdown. We also split in a large way on the Colby as quitter question, but managed to be unanimous on our assessment of Tyson's momentous blunder.

For each episode,...

Mar 27, 2010

This week we interviewed James Clement. He also left the game in episode 6 of Survivor Heroes vs. Villains. James had previously won two fan favorite awards. The editors may have ensured that he would not win a third time, as we got to see a much more aggressive version of him this time.

Listen to this interview to...

Mar 26, 2010

This week we interviewed Tyson Apostol. He left the game in episode 6 of Survivor Heroes vs. Villains. Tyson's known for his one liners. He saved one of his best ones to describe his own plight after he was voted out.

Listen to this interview to find out when and why he decided to change his vote to Parvati, how he...

Mar 25, 2010


We do not like having our favorite show interrupted, but at least it came back with a bang! Were you impressed with Candice? How about Russell's bold move? Do you think Colby quit or was he just playing possum? Is there a chance that Russell might have swayed Coach back to his side? Do you think there is any...

Mar 16, 2010


There were lots of good points in this week's feedback and interesting predictions for how the Boston Rob vs. Russell conflict will resolve. If you were a Tom fan, you probably were not happy with the episode. We get to hear from both perspectives this time, but we're pretty unanimous that things look bleak for the...