Apr 29, 2011
This week we interviewed Julie Wolfe. She left the game in episode
11 of Survivor Redemption Island. We were as surprised as she was
when she was voted out, and we really wish she had not told Phillip
about the rock.
Listen to this audio interview to hear why she thought she was
uniquely prepared to play the game, her...
Apr 28, 2011
The total domination of Zapatera is almost complete. With all of the remaining members at Redemption Island, there is only one chance for a Zapatera to return to the game now. Given the divine intervention that Matt receives in the duels, that seems very unlikely. Be honest. Some of you are starting to think that...
Apr 25, 2011
We agree with you. Episode 10 was quite the mixed bag. One person came to Phillip's defense, but the majority think he was way off base but certainly a great person to have sitting next to you in a final Tribal Council. Rob seems to have the perfect foils in Phillip and Natalie. Rob can play as cut throat as he needs to...
Apr 22, 2011
This week we interviewed David Murphy. He left the game in episode
10 of Survivor Redemption Island. In the pre-season interviews, we
were told that David had the highest IQ of anyone to ever play the
game. He said he would have to "dumb himself down" if he had any
hope of relating to his tribemates. In the end, he...
Apr 21, 2011
We've seen race come up as in issue in previous seasons, most recently in Samoa, but this episode Phillip took things to a whole different level. As much as we enjoy all his goofy antics, it was really uncomfortable to watch him come unglued and attack Steve. Did you buy his explanation? Do you think he was justified in...