Oct 29, 2017
This week really ramped up the story arcs of several key castaways. Dr. Mike found a new lease on the game. Jessica finally realized she has other options beyond selfish Cole the secret sharer. The bond between Chrissy and Ryan is more significant than we initially realized, the Blue tribe rebounded and poor Ali is...
Oct 26, 2017
This week we interviewed Roark Luskin. She left the game in week 5
of Survivor Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers. Roark had the benefit
of being on the original Healers tribe which turned out to be both
a blessing and a curse. They were very successful but that also
marked her as a big target when she was shuffled into...
Oct 26, 2017
The blindsides for season 35 just keep rolling in. We did not get all the twists and turns from the last episode, but this was a strong one. We got a couple of really good challenges that highlighted weaknesses on the Soko/Yellow tribe, and the original Healers tribe is in jeopardy of losing their numbers advantage...
Oct 22, 2017
Episode four really did the trick. The shuffle brought so many surprises and twists that many of the fans that were still on the fence have gone all in on season 35. We really enjoyed hearing your thoughts on the advantages, new alliances, strategic gameplay, blunders as well as all your hopes and fears for your least...
Oct 19, 2017
This week we interviewed Alan Ball. He left the game in week 4 of
Survivor Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers. Alan kicked off his early
game with a goal to be disruptive and shine a light on the threat
of an early couple's alliance in his tribe. It was a risky tactic
that appeared to pay off, but the luck of the tribe...