Oct 30, 2011
Episode 7 qualifies as the most controversial so far. The two returning players remain at the center of the controversy. Coach's over the top religious zealousness combined with his plot to deceive Brandon through prayer resulted in many fans calling him out as a hypocrite. The general, over abundance of...
Oct 27, 2011
This week we interviewed Mikayla Wingle. She left the game in
episode 7 of Survivor South Pacific. Mikayla was arugably one of
the physically strongest females to ever play Survivor. But as so
often happens, she was undone by the social aspect of the game.
Listen to this interview to hear how she felt about...
Oct 27, 2011
Here's to paying the bills. Some of you were recently asking if we would get a return visit to Survivor Cinema, and we got the answer tonight. Thankfully, that was not the highlight of the episode though. Ozzy made the biggest move of the season, with his Trojan Horse strategy. How would you rate it: blunder or...
Oct 23, 2011
Season twenty three keeps delivering, and as the "seesaw" affect continued through episode six, it kicked off a flurry of predictions from you for what we can expect next. Several of you focused in on Ozzy's potential trip and predicted return from Redemption Beach. Fans of Albert suggested he might light Brandon's fuse...
Oct 21, 2011
This week we interviewed Elyse Umemoto. She left the game in
episode 6 of Survivor South Pacific. She came to Survivor looking
for a new life experience, and she got one courtesy of a classic
Survivor moment, the blindside!
Listen to this interview to hear how she was chosen for the show,
what she thought about her...