Dec 19, 2015
The consensus is in. This was a fitting finale for a fabulous season! Many were hoping Wentworth might find a way to make it to the end, but the majority were also very happy for Jeremy and all he was able to accomplish. Time will tell, but we're already predicting this will be remembered as one of the greatest seasons in the history of the game. It is currently unique for a multitude of reasons and we will have to sit it on a shelf by itself to avoid unfairly judging the ones to follow unfairly. The "its going to be brutal" pitch for season 32 left some of us wary, but we're also looking forward to another round of our favorite show!
He had Jeremy as his USB-24 and got the First place through 4th place order correct. Good Job Mikee!
The high stakes, JSFL side challenger’s final scores are: Winner NINA with 109 points. Iron Dave and Jeremiah with 107 points. Samantha with 96, Brandon with 85, Aaron with 81, Joe with 70, John Snow = 66. ColdMike with 64. James and Stacy with 61 and Jonathan with 54 will be entertaining us at the beginning of next season by creating a parody based on the events of this season to the song Hello by Adele. Thanks to Nina for her song choice.
We want to thank and acknowledge everyone who contributed to another great LF show. This week we heard from: Jill, Parker, Jody, Nicola, Rashmi, FD, Marla-n-Sarah, Shannon, Drew, BrandonB, Taz, BostonMark, Pete, Meredith, Ronda, Carolyn, Jen, Josh, Jeremiah, Doreese, and Paul.
We've got several ways you can reach us. You can call and leave a voicemail at 206-350-1547. You can record an audio comment and attach it or just type up a quick text message and send it to us via email at
We'll be back in early February with our two part, pre-season prognostications for season 32, Survivor Kaoh Rong: Brain vs. Brawn vs. Beauty 2.
00:00 Date
00:04 Ancient Voices 31 Cambodia Mix by Aaron from Granville
00:36 Introductions
01:29 Jill from the Outback
03:52 Parker from Indiana
05:12 Jody from Brisbane, Australia
09:14 Nicola from Kentucky
11:32 Rashmi from Perth, Australia
13:43 FD from Thailand
18:07 Marla and Sarah from Indiana
19:54 Shannon from Charleston, South Carolina
21:27 Drew from Utah
24:30 BrandonB from Brooklyn
27:08 Taz from Louisiana
30:10 BostonMark
31:56 Pete from Boston, Massachusetts
37:05 Meredith from Italy
39:50 Ronda from Portland, Oregon
42:00 Carolyn from the Beautiful Bronx
46:35 Jen from California
49:42 Josh the Plush Moose from Massachusetts
53:00 Jeremiah from St. Louis, Missouri
56:47 Doreese from California
58:08 Paul from Louisiana
61:28 Wrap Up
71:53 Ancient Voices 31 Cambodia Mix by Aaron from Granville
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Roster for Survivor Cambodia Second Chance
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Jo Ann and Stacy