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Survivor Fans Podcast

Jo Ann and Stacy follow the hit reality show Survivor. Created in 2005, the Survivor Fans Podcast is the oldest running podcast dedicated to Survivor, currently covering Season 47, their 38th season of CBS' hit reality show. Jo Ann and Stacy are your hosts covering episode recaps, fan reactions and predictions.

Sep 7, 2005

Hello Survivor Fans,

This is part 2 of our 2 part Survivor Guatemala preview show.

In these 2 episodes, we read through the bios and studied the pictures starting with Jaime and continuing through Rafe. Just like in part 1, we gave our feedback based on this data plus whatever we could gleen from the Early Show video preview. This segment concludes with summaries provided by listeners Bill, Gloria, and a special editorial commentary by Enzo.

We've also made the preview video from the early show available . It's a chance to get a better glimpse of the new Survivors beyond the static pictures and cheesy bios. It's an MPEG2 file and it's quite large weighing in at about 55MB. I can't guarantee it will play on everyone's machine. If you have trouble with it, let us know via email and I'll see about re-encoding it into other formats. I recommend you do a "save as" instead of just clicking the link: Survivor Guatemala Early Show Preview Video

So lets wrap up at guessing who from this new batch of Survivor contestants will be the first to go and listing the reasons we think each person may or may not have a chance at winning.

If you have comments or feedback, you can call and leave a voicemail at 206-350-JASS(5277). You can record an audio comment on your PC and send it to us via email at

You can also send us your input as a normal email and we'll read it into the show when we record. Lastly, there's a link for comments on the webpage here. It's not too late if you want to add your predictions to the record. :)

Note: We're continuing to experiment with a new program called CastBlaster to record the show. There are some definite cut-outs and garbled phrases in this segment that appear to be related to the automatic clipper/limiter function. It's not your player, it's us actively learning a new application. We'll try to make sure that doesn't happen again.

We're playing music from the podsafe music network. Check out that site if you're looking for some new tunes for your mp3 player.

Show Notes
00:00 Date for iPod Shuffle Users
00:05 Intro Music: On the Grill by Madsumo
00:40 Introductions to Part 2
01:04 Jaime
05:11 Gloria comments on Jaime
05:30 Jim
09:33 Gloria comments on Jim
10:35 Judd/Jugg
13:50 Gloria comments on Judd
14:14 Lydia
17:44 Gloria comments on Lydia
18:25 Margaret
20:33 Gloria comments on Margaret
21:22 Morgan
24:06 Gloria comments on Morgan
24:38 Rafe
31:40 Gloria comments on Rafe
33:02 Jo Ann and Stacy's Summary
38:53 Gloria's Summary
40:33 Bill's Summary
42:35 Enzo's Commentary
44:58 SEG Producers are Failing Us
46:57 The Most Challenging Survivor Yet
48:24 Thanks to the Listeners!
49:01 The Surprise
53:28 Outro Music: On the Grill by Madsumo

Links for Today's Show
Survivor Guatemala
podsafe music network

Contact Info:
Voicemail: 206-350-JASS(5277)

Enjoy, Jo Ann and Stacy