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Survivor Fans Podcast

Jo Ann and Stacy follow the hit reality show Survivor. Created in 2005, the Survivor Fans Podcast is the oldest running podcast dedicated to Survivor, currently covering Season 46, their 37th season of CBS' hit reality show. Jo Ann and Stacy are your hosts covering episode recaps, fan reactions and predictions.

Dec 16, 2006

I vote we rename this episode to: "A remarkable talent for stating the completely obvious"

In case you missed it. It turns out that Ozzy and Parvati represent a threat in the challenges as well as the end game, and Adam needs to win challenges.

Do you think there's any stopping Ozzy at this point?

Is there a chance that Adam was playing a very strategic game and actually chose to throw the immunity challenge to make sure he was viewed as less of a threat than Parvati?

Did Probst step over the line when he told the jury who returned Jonathan's hat?

Here is the tribe after episode 13.
Aitutonga: Adam, Becky, Ozzy, Sundra, and Yul

We think Adam will be 5th out. If we get enough Listener Feedback, we'll put together another show on Saturday.

Who is your pick for who the next one to be voted out, who do you think will make final 3, and who's your pick to win it all?

We've got several ways you can reach us. You can call and leave a voicemail at 206-350-JASS(5277). You can record an audio comment and attach it or just type up a quick text message and send it to us via email at Lastly, there's a link for comments on the web page here. You can click that link and post your thoughts out there for everyone to see.

The intro and outro music are both dedicated to the mighty Oz-man. He hasn't won every challenge, but it will be surprising if he doesn't win his way to final 3 at this point. Here are links to the artists in case you want to learn more about them.
Beat the Machine by Kingfinger
Killer Whale by Up Stairs

00:01 Date
00:04 Beat the Machine by Kingfinger
01:35 Introductions
03:15 Show Recap
48:33 Next Week on Survivor
51:08 JSFL Update
58:23 Killer Whale by Up Stairs

Links for Today's Show
Yul and Adam in a Mud-off?
JSFL Results Update for Survivor: Cook Islands
JSFL Rules for Survivor: Cook Islands
Apply for Survivor 15

Make sure to check out the extended "Next on Survivor" trailer too. Listener Mike in California figured out where to find it on the web.
From the CBS innertube site select: All Shows > Reality/Alternative > Survivor: Cook Islands > Pre-Show > Preview

Contact Info:
Voicemail: 206-350-JASS(5277)
Gizmo: Join us on Gizmo

Jo Ann and Stacy